The Czech Republic is situated in Central Europe. It is a neighbor to Poland in the north, to Austria in the south, Germany in the northwest and in the west and to Slovakia in the east. 

The Czech Republic is a densely populated state. At an area of not more than seventy-eight thousand square kilometers, it has a population of more than ten million people. Its capital city, Prague, is the largest city of this country. It alone settles a population of around 1.4 million people. Prague, also known as the Golden City, is categorized among world's most beautiful cities. 

The Czech Republic is a typical landlocked country (i.e. a country that has no access to the ocean at its borders), which is partly hilly and partly flat, and in which several important European rivers have their origins. The Czech countryside varies a lot; it offers mountains, forest, and national parks. Czechs have built a very positive relationship with the nature that surrounds them. They often visit it and understand well how and why it must be protected. 

Czech politics is based on the ideals of democracy, a free-market economy, and respect of human rights. 

The official language in the Czech Republic is Czech. The most widespread foreign language is English. Older people also speak German quite often. As a result of the common past, Slovak and Russian are also frequently spoken on the territory of the Czech Republic. 

The climate differs markedly among the variable region of the Czech Republic, depending on the height above sea level. Generally speaking, the higher you are, the more frequently you can experience the drop in average temperatures and the occurrence of rainfall is more likely.